Practice Parking Without a Car
The Parking Game - Parking Simulator
Learning to park a car can be a challenge, especially for new drivers who are trying to learn how to drive altogether. While certain parking situations can be fairly simple, other parking situations require more driver savvy with precise steering and braking control. The Parking Game, by Drivers Ed Direct, is a great tool that can help drivers better understand how to park in different situations.
How The Parking Game Works?
The Parking Game, by Drivers Ed Direct, is a four-level animated game that puts the game player in different real world parking situations:
Parallel parking between two cars.
Try to curb-side park your vehicle in a tight spot between two cars.
Diagonal parking on busy street.
See if you can park your car in this cramped parking space without scratching any paint.
Head-on parking in crowded parking lot.
Attempt to pull into a spot in a crowded parking lot where there isn't much room to maneuver.
Backing into a parking space in a crowded lot.
A spot that seems impossible to pull into, until you realize that backing into the space will save the day... if you can back up without losing a bumper.
How Does a Game Help You Park in Reality?
True, there is no substitution for the real thing when it comes to parking. After all, one can't truly expect a game to simulate the weight, power, and feel of a car. However, there are a few things that a game can simulate that translate well in real life parking situations. First of all, knowing how to park a car requires a driver to understand different angles of approach. When parking, drivers take different angles of approach depending on the type of space being parked in. The approach taken from parallel parking is much different than the approach needed for parking at a shopping mall. Further, the difference between backing into a tight perpendicular parking space, and driving head-on into a diagonal parking space is quite different. The Parking Game by Drivers Ed Direct provides future drivers with a taste of these different angles of approach.
Furthermore, a simple online parking game can help drivers understand the relationship between steering-wheel direction and the direction the car moves. This seems like a very simple concept at first thought - the car will move in the direction you steer the wheel. Interestingly, new drivers often struggle with this concept, especially when reversing a vehicle. When reversing a car, many new drivers get "mixed-up" in their head and turn the wheel the opposite direction of where they intend to go. A parking game can help new drivers get used to unfamiliar steering concepts and help them visualize how the car should move in real life situations.