Which Drivers Ed App is Best?
Choosing a drivers ed app is not rocket science. It's actually the opposite of rocket science. Choosing which drivers ed app to download simply takes a little common sense. If you can answer these three simple questions, then finding the best drivers ed app for you will actually be a piece of cake:
How Much Does the App Cost?
While it's not the only factor to consider when selecting which app to download, app pricing is an important piece of the puzzle. The DriversEdApp.com rule of thumb is this: give it to me for free and then, if I like it, I will make in-app purchases or purchase a full-blown version of the App. It's never a good idea to pay for an App up front until you've had a chance to try it first. If the app doesn't have a "try before you buy" feature, then run, don't walk, in the other direction.
What is the Highest Rated App?
High rated 5-star & 4-star apps are usually a safe bet. While it is true that not all ratings are legit, those fake reviews will eventually be overpowered by actual reviews over time. If an app has more than a handful of ratings, and most of those ratings are 4-star and 5-star, then the app probably has some merit.
Which is the Best App for ME?
In today's world where there are so many app options, choosing the best one can be tough. There are hundreds of drivers ed Apps in the app store, and many of these Apps have great ratings and are offered for free. So how do you know which one is right for you? This is where the cool-factor comes in, and what's cool to you may not be cool to someone else. Try looking for the app that fits your style, and offers more than just the expected minimal app features. For example, there are dozens of DMV Test Prep apps in the App Store, but how many are there that offer other cool study tools besides the basic practice tests?
The PhDMV App by Drivers Ed Direct is a great example of an App for iPhone and iPad that comes with additional features that other apps don't have. Besides basic DMV practice tests, their App offers a clever spin on the classic game of Hangman called "Hangdummy". Teens have a blast memorizing drivers ed questions while simultaneously trying to save the crash test "Hangdummy" from plummeting to his doom. An App like PhDMV has a wide appeal to teens because it delivers on both education and entertainment, which has traditionally been hard to do in the world of drivers education.